
Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Customization

TNT comes with a set of default styles and layouts powered by Tailwind.


It includes several semantic classes that work a lot like Tailwind's utility classes:

  • bg-base
  • text-content-dark

There are special utility classes intended for use with Tailwind's modifiers:

  • hover:border-primary-hover

And every semantic class features the full range of numeric colors, based on Tailwind's own default color selection:

  • text-primary-500


The example below changes TNT's primary color utilities to match Tailwind's cyan.

const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors')

export default {
  presets: [
    // It is ESSENTIAL that you include the preset:
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: {...colors.cyan, ...{
          DEFAULT: colors.cyan['500'],
          hover: colors.cyan['600'],
          light: {
            DEFAULT: colors.cyan['500'],
            hover: colors.cyan['600'],
          dark: {
            DEFAULT: colors.cyan['500'],
            hover: colors.cyan['400'],